
The Underground Lake (地底湖, Chitei Mizūmi) is a lake located in the Republic of East Gorteau.[1]


The lake is underground, and trees grow underwater. Ikalgo, Coburn and the Ortho Siblings (includng their squads), who all carry the genes of water animals, can be found in this lake.[2]


Chimera Ant arc

Trying to lose Flutter, Killua falls into this lake while fighting Ikalgo, who is almost eaten by his own grunts, but is saved by Killua. Later on, Coburn sneaks up behind Killua and attaches a badge that activates the Ortho Siblings' ability, Darts de Darts, and engage in a battle.[3] After Killua is severely wounded and near death, Ikalgo takes him along a path that leads to a secret hospital.[4]


  1. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 23, Chapter 237
  2. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 23, Chapter 238
  3. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 23, Chapter 239
  4. Hunter × Hunter - Volume 23, Chapter 241
